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Силистра, ул. Капитан Кръстев №16

9,884km A95 2,49 BGN/l

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Lukoil P044

Calarasi, Prel. Bucuresti Nr. 163-167

0,000km Euroluk COR 95 6,94 RON/l

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Lukoil P166

Calarasi, Zefirului Nr. 136

1,222km Euroluk COR 95 6,94 RON/l

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Lukoil P059

Calarasi, Victor Babes

2,267km Euroluk COR 95 6,94 RON/l

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Lukoil P316

Cuza Voda, Tarlaua 133 Parcela

6,573km Euroluk COR 95 6,94 RON/l

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Petrom Calarasi

Calarasi, str. Prelungirea Bucuresti, nr. 295

1,204km Benzina Standard 95 7,06 RON/l

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Petrom Calarasi

Calarasi, Prel. Sloboziei nr. 42

2,267km Benzina Standard 95 7,06 RON/l

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total of 7 petrol stations

- The price is updated by an official source
- The price is provided by user of
- The prices are approximate