

municipality pruszkowski, province Mazovia
п.к. 05-800

 Fuel prices today

Fuel price
А95 Unleaded 95 6,35 - 6,70 PLN/l
DSL Diesel 6,09 - 6,76 PLN/l
LPG LPG 2,60 - 2,60 PLN/l
А100 Unleaded 100 7,53 - 7,53 PLN/l
DSL+ Diesel Premium 6,83 - 6,83 PLN/l

 Where is the cheapest

MOYA Station

Pruszkow, Ul. Warsztatowa 8

6,35 PLN/l
The prices are approximate

Lotos Station

Pruszkow, ul. Poznanska

6,52 PLN/l
The prices are approximate

Orlen Pruszków

Pruszków, Piastowska 4

6,56 PLN/l
the prices were provided by a user on 4.07.2024 13:45

Orlen Pruszków

Pruszków, Przejazdowa 5

6,56 PLN/l
The prices are approximate

BP Pruszkow-Zbikow

Pruszków, ul. 3 Maja 130

6,60 PLN/l
The prices are approximate

BP Pruszkow

Pruszkow, ul. Wojska Polskiego 127

6,60 PLN/l
The prices are approximate

BP Pruszkow-Zbikow

Pruszkow, Poznańska 69

6,60 PLN/l
The prices are approximate

Lotos Pruszkow

Pruszkow, Al. Jerozolimskie 404

6,64 PLN/l
the prices were provided by a user on 24.06.2024 16:08

Orlen Pruszków

Pruszków, Bohaterów Warszawy 7

6,64 PLN/l
the prices were provided by a user on 5.07.2024 6:37

Shell 1003 Pruszkow

Pruszkow, Wojska Polskiego 4

6,70 PLN/l
the prices were provided by a user on 25.06.2024 16:00