с. Δήμητρα


municipality Λάρισα, province Thessaly
п.к. 40003

 Fuel prices today

Fuel price
А95 Unleaded 95 1,882 - 1,899 €/l
DSL Diesel 1,612 - 1,633 €/l
DSL+ Diesel Premium 1,620 - 1,620 €/l

 Where is the cheapest

Revoil Station

Δήμητρα, 22ο χλμ Λάρισας-Αγιάς, Δήμητρα

1,882 €/l
The prices are approximate


Δήμητρα, 21ο χλμ Λάρισας-Αγιάς, Δήμητρα

1,899 €/l
The prices are approximate