
Бензиностанция Fenix

Lovech , 5502
North industrial zone


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Brandstof Prijs
A95 2,61 BGN/l
Diesel 2,55 BGN/l
LPG 1,19 BGN/l
de prijzen zijn verstrekt door een gebruiker van Fuelo.net op 9:12 26.04.2024

  Foto's (1)

  Opmerkingen (13)

Цветослав Цонев

The fuel is of high quality and at the best price in Lovech

Цветослав Цонев , 30.04.2023 (Google Places)

It was nice to be able to put oil in the shower and stay in the car for free. Only oil is charged. It is a good gas station as you can use the car shower and parking for free.

승렬(Eluda) , 09.02.2023 (Google Places)
marti0 gamer

Good location

marti0 gamer , 08.11.2020 (Google Places)
тишо бец

тишо бец , 02.07.2020 (Google Places)
Stanislav Stoyanov

Stanislav Stoyanov , 10.06.2020 (Google Places)
Тодорка Станчева

Тодорка Станчева , 03.01.2020 (Google Places)
Rosen Ivanov

Rosen Ivanov , 10.04.2019 (Google Places)
Iva Ivanova

Iva Ivanova , 04.04.2019 (Google Places)
Янис Бенев

Янис Бенев , 24.03.2019 (Google Places)
Цветелина Маринова

Цветелина Маринова , 01.04.2018 (Google Places)
Петя Тричкова

Петя Тричкова , 01.04.2018 (Google Places)
Красимир Кочев

Красимир Кочев , 20.11.2017 (Google Places)
Николай Тодоров

Николай Тодоров , 31.08.2017 (Google Places)

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