
Makpetrol Makpetrol Taftalidze

Macedonia del Norte
Skopje , 1000
ул. Иво Лола Рибар Бр. бб
06.00 - 22.00

Efectivo Pago con tarjeta Cajero automático

Google Maps Navegación   02-3090-396

  Precios de combustible

Ofertas de gasolineras 95 sin plomo al mejor precio en Macedonia del Norte !
Combustible Precio
ULTRA 95+ Economy 80,00 MKD/l
ULTRA Diesel Green Power 73,50 MKD/l
ULTRA 100 RacePro 82,00 MKD/l
ULTRA Diesel Bio Power 74,50 MKD/l
Los precios son aproximados

  Fotos (1)

  Comentarios (8)

Aleksandar Stanojevic

Најдобрите бензински станици во Македонија ги имаат најдобрите горива во Македонија,како што се бензин, дизел и автоплин.Имаат одлична услуга со доволен број на вработени. Во маркетите имаат голем број на производи за автокозметика, прва помош, сијалици и се што ви е потребно за вашиот автомобил. ОДЛИЧНИ!.

Aleksandar Stanojevic , 25.12.2018 (Google Places)
Pavle Jovanovski

Pavle Jovanovski , 05.12.2018 (Google Places)
Aleksandar Markovski

Aleksandar Markovski , 11.09.2018 (Google Places)
Mirko Gjurik

Small petrol station with the most unhelpful and unpleasant staff. I bought here a gas tank for my stove and when I got home, I noticed that the gas tank is defective and that the gas is leaking. In the next two days, I went back there THREE TIMES, demanding for the tank to be changed, but I only encountered a denial, claiming that the tank is ok. They weren't concerned about the safety of me and my family at all, they were assuring me that I was imagining the gas leak. I even spoke with the manager and he was the most unhelpful of them, not even considering the possibility that his station is selling defective goods. All in all, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you should AVOID THIS STATION. It's a shame how low this company's quality standards has fallen.

Mirko Gjurik , 03.08.2017 (Google Places)
Ljupcho Georgievski Bukac

Ljupcho Georgievski Bukac , 15.03.2017 (Google Places)
Ljupcho Georgievski Bukac

Ljupcho Georgievski Bukac , 15.03.2017 (Google Places)
Ljupcho Georgievski Bukac

Ljupcho Georgievski Bukac , 15.03.2017 (Google Places)
Spase M

Site benzinski gi renoviraa samo ovaa ostana zapustena

Spase M , 19.11.2013 (Foursquare)

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