
INA INA Konjic

Bośnia i Hercegowina
Konjic , 88400
Podorašac bb

Gotówka Płatność kartą Sklep

Google Maps Nawigacja   +387 (0)36 722 300

  Ceny paliw

Paliwo Cena
BMB 95 2,61 BAM/l
DIZEL 2,46 BAM/l
Ceny są przybliżone

  Zdjęcia (0)

Brak zdjęć stacji benzynowej

  Komentarze (21)

Amir Neziric


Amir Neziric , 24.07.2020 (Google Places)
Denjo Ajdin

Najkvalitetnije gorivo u BiH

Denjo Ajdin , 03.03.2020 (Google Places)
Nermin Zukic

Benziska pumpa cisto gorivo ljubazno osoblje sve pohvale

Nermin Zukic , 15.12.2019 (Google Places)
Jole Josip Penavić

Dobra hrana čevapi

Jole Josip Penavić , 12.12.2019 (Google Places)
Nenad Savic

Da mogu dao bi minus 1 recenziju Vaš radnik na perionici nema vremena oprati automobil Svaka čast kompaniji Ina,neću više nikad ni u wc kod vas Poštovanje

Nenad Savic , 08.08.2019 (Google Places)
aid ljevo

Nemojte ici na ovo mijesto

aid ljevo , 20.07.2019 (Google Places)
Adil Sultanic

Ugodno jeftino

Adil Sultanic , 11.04.2019 (Google Places)
Adil Sultanic

Ugodno jeftino

Adil Sultanic , 11.04.2019 (Google Places)
Bahrudin Sikira

Odmor i pauza

Bahrudin Sikira , 09.04.2019 (Google Places)
Mr. Kora

sve ok

Mr. Kora , 11.01.2019 (Google Places)
Admir Avdić

Gas station.

Admir Avdić , 10.12.2018 (Google Places)
Enes Mujacic

Usluga za 5

Enes Mujacic , 17.08.2018 (Google Places)
Ivan N. Tomić

Pouzdan lanac pumpi za goriva

Ivan N. Tomić , 15.08.2018 (Google Places)
Kristijana Ivanković

Gorivo dobre kvalitete

Kristijana Ivanković , 14.06.2018 (Google Places)
Taxi Mujo 062 339 279 Purgic

Benzinska pumpa

Taxi Mujo 062 339 279 Purgic , 18.05.2018 (Google Places)
Riad Memic

Well, what is there to say about this gas station, it's ordinary, like any else. Nothing special about it really, I would have given it four stars if it weren't for that dirty toilet, but I mean, I guess a lot of people use the toilets in gas stations when they stop to fill their gas, but still, the bathroom could be better taken care of

Riad Memic , 09.05.2018 (Google Places)
Vladimir Borenovic

dovoljno je INA ▶tradicija

Vladimir Borenovic , 16.03.2018 (Google Places)
Admir Avdić

Gas station and grocery store!

Admir Avdić , 14.03.2018 (Google Places)
Kristijana Ivanković

Gorivo dobre kvalitete

Kristijana Ivanković , 03.03.2018 (Google Places)
Taxi Mujo 062 339 279 Purgic

Benzinska pumpa

Taxi Mujo 062 339 279 Purgic , 03.11.2017 (Google Places)
Riad Memic

Well, what is there to say about this gas station, it's ordinary, like any else. Nothing special about it really, I would have given it four stars if it weren't for that dirty toilet, but I mean, I guess a lot of people use the toilets in gas stations when they stop to fill their gas, but still, the bathroom could be better taken care of

Riad Memic , 19.08.2017 (Google Places)

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